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8 Okt 2012


"AMD Bulldozer Back Solve Achieve Record Fastest Clock Processor 8.58Ghz"

      We have just reported that Andre Yang managed to overclock AMD FX-8150 CPU 8.46GHz speed reaches a breaking the previous record set by AMD. Andre Yang has now been able to break his own record around 120MHz, which is a pretty significant improvement considering that the previous record he found only 30MHz higher than the previous record. New world record precisely 8584.8MHz, 123.3MHz greater than ever. Note this is not official yet, because it does not show up in CPU-Z validation database.

      Andre Crosshair Formula V motherboard using the same and the main difference is the higher core voltage, which is 2.076V at a new record (1.992V in record time). Andre using liquid nitrogen for cooling, and overclock higher can be achieved with liquid helium, which liquefies at -269 Celsius while it was -196 Celsius for nitrogen at atmospheric pressure. B3 Stepping upcoming Bulldozer will also improve the ability to overclock-, ​​making it possible to achieve 9GHz speed.


Ahmad Saifudin adalah seorang mahasiswa yang kini baru menempuh studinya di salah satu universitas swasta di yogyakarta. Banyak sekali kekreatifitasnya yang sudah diakui oleh dirinya sendiri
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