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8 Okt 2012

How to distinguish the Official Blackberry, Refurbish, and BM

How to distinguish the Official Blackberry, Refurbish, and BM - Lately a lot of the Blackberry smartphone's outstanding stuff BM (Black Market) nih. Well, this time I have a few cool tips and cool loh How to distinguish Official Blackberry, Refurbish, and BM. Want to know how information along with her tips?

Consider the following article:

How to distinguish the Official Blackberry, Refurbish, and BM, Thus:

Refurbish: Sablon rough box, at the bottom there is usually no notification patents in a variety of languages, usually on the right side there is no sticker handheld identity.

BM: Sablon smooth, the bottom there is a notification of a patent in multiple languages, on the right side there is a sticker handheld identity, image boxes and bearing BB according to effuse vendors / manufactures the blackberry (but there were also the only black like the official box).

Official: Sablon smooth, there is a notification section patents in multiple languages, on the right side there is a sticker handheld identity, black box no picture only posts BB Blackberry at the top.

• Logo:

Refurbish: Usually logo on welcome screen & body & Internet Browser does not fit in the box with (ex: in BB on satt welcome screen out writing T-Mobile but plain box / no box output T-Mobile, there is an inscription on the Body BB T-Mobile but the plain box / no box output T-Mobile, the Internet browser (for still using standard themes) logo T-Mobile but plain box / no box output T-Mobile).

BM: Logo on welcome screen & body & Internet Browser in accordance with the box (as long as they use the standard themes).

Official: No logo on the body and welcome screen and Internet Browser, except bb output indosat n axis (info from bro pynatih)

• Pin & Imei:

Refurbish: PIN Usually its not fixed / dynamic (changing), while in the check IMEI numbering plans usually do not correspond to the device.

BM: PIN fixed / static, while in the check IMEI numbering plans in accordance with the device and vendor, but for some types of Blackberry no reply yet recorded in the database numbering plans so it will come out the information "This IMEI number might to be correct, but it is impossible to get this confirmed ".

Official: PIN fixed / static, while in the check IMEI numbering plans in accordance with the device, but for some types of Blackberry no reply yet recorded in the database numbering plans so it will come out the information "This IMEI number might to be correct, but it is impossible to get this confirmed ".
That's the way to distinguish the Official Blackberry, Refurbish, and BM If there is additional please give the comments below :)


Ahmad Saifudin adalah seorang mahasiswa yang kini baru menempuh studinya di salah satu universitas swasta di yogyakarta. Banyak sekali kekreatifitasnya yang sudah diakui oleh dirinya sendiri
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