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16 Sep 2012

Why BlackBerry Still Being no.1 in Indonesia

BlackBerry is the most popular mobile phones in Indonesia since the first appearance in Indonesia in mid-December 2004. According to GFK report in July 2012, BlackBerry sales are still no.1.

The fact is that more than half (53.6%) smartphones sold in Indonesia are the BlackBerry device. 7 of the top 10 smartphones sold in Indonesia is BlackBerry. Facebook fans BlackBerry Indonesia is one of the top 10 Facebook pages in Indonesia with more than 1.8 million fans (August 2012).

 BlackBerry sold in over 10,000 stores throughout Indonesia, hiring staff in large numbers for sales and after-sales service that has contributed to create 12.000 jobs in Indonesia. (Methodology based on reports Trading Myths 'McKinsey Global Institute'). Obtained 24 months warranty for all BlackBerry smartphones purchased from an authorized dealer, facilitated through a network of about 60 BlackBerry Expert Centers around Indonesia, this is what makes the BlackBerry in Indonesia, unlike in other countries.


Ahmad Saifudin adalah seorang mahasiswa yang kini baru menempuh studinya di salah satu universitas swasta di yogyakarta. Banyak sekali kekreatifitasnya yang sudah diakui oleh dirinya sendiri
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